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tv   CNN Tonight with Don Lemon  CNN  October 10, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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to deny drivers the rights they deserve. no sick leave. no workers' comp. no unemployment benefits. vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. one ride california doesn't want to take. doordash prop 22. when was the last time your property tawhat?l went down? never. are you kidding me? for years, the residential burden has gone up. while the corporate burden has gone down. prop 15 reverses that. it closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. and when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. that's right. a savings of a hundred twenty-one dollars a year for the average home. give homeowners a break. vote yes on 15.
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you know, this is really e sprint to the finish. 25 days to election day and the president recovering from his covid-19 infection. set to address 2,000 supporters at the white house tomorrow. they are going to gather on the south lawn and trump will speak from a balcony. he is also planning a campaign rally in florida on monday night. joe biden slamming what he calls trump's reckless, personal conduct. and it's official. next week's second presidential debate, cancelled. trump refusing to debate in a virtual format. let's discuss, now. mark mckinnon is former adviser to george w. bush and john mccain. and former white house communications director, anthony scaramucci, joins us as well. good evening, one and all. mark mckinnon, boy, you are going to have a show this weekend. my head is spinning from this.
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this week, the lies, the coverup, the back and forth on the stimulus, on the debates. and now, the president is going to hold another potential superspreader event at the white house tomorrow. this is insanity. >> yeah. once again, our show's having problem with lack of material for the episode. but, yeah, think about that, don. by tomorrow, and think about the fact that dr. fauci, today, defined that rose garden event, for the swearing in of the supreme court nominee, as a superspreader event. his -- you know, his -- the -- trump's own cdc director is -- is -- is defining it as a problematic situation. now, they are going to replicate that again, tomorrow. now, i'm sure they'll have masks. but the notion that you are going to do something to remind people about how this all may have started is just insane. the president talks about how he could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, people would still support him. well, now, the question is can he stand in the white house and infect people? >> right? wow.
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crazy. anthony, why won't anyone -- why won't anyone in this administration tell the president that it's nuts to hold events with thousands of people right now, when you have the virus? >> well, he's going with his instincts. he's trying to replay the 2015-2016 way things worked. and so, there's nobody left on that staff that can talk to him. maybe, there is a few kids of him that want to talk to him but there's other kids that don't. so, they're stuck. and he is the campaign manager, the campaign strategist, the communications director, and the president. so, you're going to get more of this. what's weird about it is would anybody on this television program right now, go to that next superspreader event, even if you were wearing neil armstrong's lunar landing suit? i wouldn't. people willing to go to an event like that, it just shows you how susceptible people are to lunacy
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and cultism. >> keerirsten, i want you to lin to what the president said with rush limbaugh. >> i was in not great shape and we have a medicine that healed me, that fixed me. i feel better now than i did two weeks ago. it's crazy. and i recovered immediately, almost immediately. i might not have recovered at all from covid. >> two weeks ago? but he was hospitalized, kirsten, a week ago. was he not feeling well two weeks ago? >> we don't know. that's the problem is we get all this contradictory information and we can't trust that any of this is straightforward. and the way that he talks about these things, joe biden is right in calling him reckless. you know, talking about this, as if there's some like miracle drug that heals you from it in a week or whatever time period he had it. i mean, we all know people who have had covid. you know, young people don't bounce back from it as quickly
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as the president claims that he did. it's just -- it's not really believable that that happened. and he's sending a recommend reckless message to people that it is something that could be healed so quickly. that there is this miracle drug, and that, now, you can go back and have another big event at the white house, and pretend that covid, you know, didn't actually spread at the white house. i mean, he's completely out of control. even for him. you know, this is just -- this is just next level out of control. >> mark, this president is giving everyone on capitol hill, and in the country really, whiplash over the stimulus negotiation. flip flopping. totally out of step with his own party. republicans cannot be happy about this, especially those who are up for re-election. are they going to start bailing on him? or too afraid? >> oh, i think you're sort of seeing it, behind the scenes, now, don.
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they're starting to cut and run because i mean, they're left in a place where -- first of all, look at key demographics, like seniors, who are so key to trump's victory. he is now losing them by 27. and you can just imagine where that number's headed given the -- you know, that doesn't even take the capital of the last week. so imagine after seniors saw what's gone on the last week and tomorrow. that's what biden calls it, reckless. and when you are doing it about health issues that are affecting millions of people in the country, that's a really problematic situation. and then, this whole stimulus thing is insane. i could not find a single republican, the other day, when trump went south on the deal they had. walked away from it. nobody could find any rationale, strategic rationale, where that made sense. it was just trump being petulant.
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a loet >> are they furious? are they furious with him? >> yes. they're -- now, they're mad. now, they're mad because like i said, it's just not making any strategic sense, whatsoever. >> yeah. so, listen. you were -- anthony, you remember the e-mails. lock her up. all that stuff. yesterday, trump slammed the secretary of state, mike pompeo, for not releasing more of hillary clinton's e-mails. well, today, pompeo says he's going to release them. is -- is he just -- is this 2016 the strategy? i mean, what is obviously -- this is a very different race. >> it's going to have a huge effect on the hillary clinton campaign, here, in 2020. i mean, it's just nonsensical. >> maybe -- maybe, she won't be re-elected but go on. >> i'm just saying. yeah. it's going to be really bad for hillary. but here's the thing. mike pompeo knows better. okay? he's a harvard law school graduate. he went to west point. he's just in for the ride. you know?
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and so, somebody is going -- you know, it's not going to be a nuremburg trial, thank god. we're going to get rid of this guy but someone's going to have to answer for this. secretary pompeo, what was that all about? and oh, by the way, why were you doing this? why were you listening to him on that? you know he is nonsensical and you know there's something wrong with him. what was it about your personality, that you allowed your will and your strength, as an american patriot, to bend to him? and so, people are going to have to answer for that. mark knows we're headed for a major reckoning in the republican party. all of these sycophants are going to have to do a 180. and then, vwe'll have to all as each other, what was that about? why did we all do that? >> yeah. i thought about that the other day. i said what if -- what if he did lose? then, what happens to all those republicans who were his lapdogs? i don't know. >> they're going to pretend they didn't know him, don. they'll disavow him. >> but, kirsten, you cannot count him out, at this point,
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because i know the polls show that joe biden is say heahead. but they're tightening. you can't count frump outrump o now. >> you can't count him out. of course, anything could change. but to mark's point, if you look at the polls, particularly with seniors, particularly with women, suburban women, you wouldn't want to be donald trump, right now. you know, if -- if you are looking at these numbers, they're very, very concerning for him. and to see people who voted for you the last time, to be flipping the way seniors have, you know, any campaign in their right mind would be freaking out. so, on some level, i think that is part of the president's behavior. it's feeding into his behavior, and he's, you know, sort of acting increasingly desperate. but, you're right. until we actually have election day, we know what's going on in the world, we do not. i mean, this whole, like, week, right, was like a year, basically.
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we don't know -- >> two years. >> -- what's going to happen next week -- yeah -- or in the following weeks until -- until we get to the election. >> anthony, listen. as of now, things could change again, like i said. i have whiplash. next week's presidential debate is officially off. but, you know, i have got to ask you about a tweet that you appeared to get from cnn -- excuse me, c-span's steve scully who was supposed to be the moderator. that tweet asked about how to respond to trump's criticism but c-span says it was fake. sean spicer even came to scully's defense. and you say you take scully at his word. but what happened there? and will there be another debate, in the future, do you think? >> well, i certainly don't think there will be a debate. how is the president going to stand there? the reason why he was interrupting vice president biden so much in the first debate is what is he going to say? i ruined the economy. i lied about the health care crisis. tens of thousands of people
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died, unnecessarily, because of my lack of crisis-management skills. how is he going to sit there and tolerate that for two more debates? so, i predict there won't be any more debates. as it relates to steve scully, i take him at his word. he's a very good guy and a credible journalist. i responded to it with what i thought was very good advice, by the way. don't respond to the president. don't take his bait. let people like me, okay, fellow new yorkers take the bait, and let me knock heads with him. it's not appropriate for journalists to do that and steve's an objective guy. and if they decide to use him as a moderator, he will do a terrific job. and, you know, we all have our opinions of things but steve is a consummate professional in that seat. he would do an amazing job in that debate. >> he was saying he was hacked. >> and i take him at his word. i do think he was hacked. >> do you -- do you guys dm? >> on the -- on the bible, i have five beautiful kids, i have never dm'ed him and i would even
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say that under oath. i have never dm'ed steve scully. >> okay. it sounds like someone thought they were dm'ing. >> maybe, he thought it was dm'ing me. i don't think so because it was obviously a hack. but i have never dm'ed steve scully. >> i got ya. so, mark, not much is happening. slow news week. so, i'm sure the circus -- i'm kidding -- what do you have coming up this week? >> well, we talked to leon panetta. we talked to the authors of the g g jim baker book abo. and peter baker about the parallels between reagan's hospitalization and trump's hospitalization. it's really fascinating to go back and look at those parallels.
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>> all righty. >> and lincoln project. >> oh, yeah. and this and that. okay. thank you, all. fascinating conversation. i wish i could talk to you longer but got to go. see ya later. thank you. be safe. the president, who says that he was retested for the virus but still hasn't told us the results. planning a big event at the white house, tomorrow, and a campaign rally in florida on monday. and joe biden says this to anybody planning to attend. >> good luck. i wouldn't show up unless you had a mask. i don't know. look. i just read that the cdc was going to require masks on public transportation. 40,000 people, a day, are coming down with coronavirus and they -- and the white house blocked it. what is the matter with this guy? but each wish is special and unique, just like the kid behind the wish.
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so the president and his top aides don't seem to care covid-19 is surging across the country. cases are spikelining already t and the day is not even over. 54,000 new cases reported. the u.s. death toll more than 213,000, now. and yet, the president, badli b the virus, himself, inviting 2,000 supporters to the south lawn of the white house tomorrow for a rally. let's bring in now dr. william -- let's bring in william haseltine, i should say, former professor at harvard medical school. also, author of the "covid commentaries." >> you can call me doctor, if you want. >> thank you, doctor.
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doctor/professor. listen. seriously, though, the president says he has been retested but the white house or his doctors, they haven't released the results. so let's say he still has the virus. okay? should he be hosting a white house event tomorrow? or a rally next week? is that reckless? >> well, the first thing, i think, it's not wise for him, personally. i think almost any doctor would recommend rest, stay quiet, don't get out there. and if he is doing that, it's against any good doctor's advice. good doctors wouldn't do that. the second thing is it really depends on the precautions that they're planning for the rose garden. if it's anything like the introduction of the supreme court nominee, it is definitely a very dangerous thing to do. as you know, covid is spreading and is spreading particularly -- white house and is likely
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continue to do so. and in the united states, and people come from all over the united states, we're in the midst of another, major rise in covid. as you mentioned, there were 54,000 people, so far, today, that have been tested positive. but there were 56,000 yesterday and over 920 people died. this is not over. we are not out of the woods, and it's a very dangerous thing to do. >> so, the white house couldn't keep the virus out of the rose garden nomination event a couple weeks ago. we just had it up on the screen. dr. fauci is calling that event a superspreader event. and i want you to look at his rally. this is in minnesota. nine people ended up testing positive. is he a walking superspreader? >> you know, a superspreader is somebody who, themselves, produces a lot of infectious virus and infects others. i can't tell you if he, himself,
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is the spreader. if hope hicks, who was on that helicopter, is a superspreader. but what we can say is those events, with a lot of people packed together, not doing social distancing, and not wearing masks, is definitely a superspreading event. and, beyond that, those people fan out all over the country. you know, one of the big problems we had earlier was that motorcycle rally, where everybody came together from around the country. and then, spread out again. and there were many, many people who were contacted by people infected there who got infected and started their own, my thiin epidemics wherever they were. one thing people have to remember. the epidemic, pandemic that circled the globe, started with one person. one person can start with this virus and that's something that everybody should take to heart. do you want to be next to that
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one person? >> no. no. i know it's rhetorical but no. dr. haseltine, thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tonight, the number of new cases of covid-19 spiking across the country. and dr. anthony fauci saying he is disturbed and concerned by the big jump in new cases. here is cnn's nick watt. >> reporter: a new outbreak at a nursing home, here, in california. nine dead. >> i'm trying to prepare myself that i am never going to see my mom in person again. >> reporter: in new jersey, average, new case counts are up over 60% these past two weeks. new mexico's governor is worried. >> we're in a pretty difficult spot, in the state of new mexico, right now. we are at extreme risk of uncontrollable spread. >> reporter: 56,191 new coronavirus cases reported in the u.s., thursday.
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the most in nearly two months. >> this is really something we need to pay attention to. >> reporter: these ten states have more covid-19 patients in the hospital, now, than ever before. these three states, kansas, south dakota, tennessee, just logged their most covid-19 deaths in a single day. over the course of this pandemic, we've seen hot spots, spikes, rolling waves. >> the state of florida. >> arizona's at a real crossroads. >> the hospitalization rate here in california. >> up one place. down in another. but right now, every region in this country is on the rise. new york saw hell in the spring. now, seeing spikes. some centered on religious communities. >> it's important for all of us to not let her guard down during thanksgiving. we see that from the high holy days, people are just yearning to be together. >> reporter: broadway now shuttered until at least the end of may. went dark, mid-march. will stay dark for more than a
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year due to a virus. this morning, the new york jets sent players and coaches home after a presumptive positive test. but they're supposed to play the cardinals sunday. the nfl now juggling its schedule, reacting to outbreaks. patriots-broncos, now moved from sunday to monday. titans-bills, will now play tuesday. they are trying to keep this season alive. nick watt, cnn, los angeles. >> thank you, nick. i need to tell you this. anderson cooper and dr. sanjay gupta. they are going to be speaking with five former cdc directors for a new cnn global town hall. make sure you watch coronavirus facts and fears. that's tomorrow night at 9:00 right here on cnn. well, the second debate's cancelled after the president refused the virtual format. but considering he is trailing joe biden in the polls, doesn't he really need the debate to boost his numbers? plus, the president doing his first on-camera interview since his coronavirus diagnosis.
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well, guess which network he spoke to. when we started our business
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the second debate between president trump and joe biden officially cancelled after the president refused to do a virtual debate. biden's campaign saying it's shameful, the president is ducking the only debate where voters get to ask questions. democratic nominee slamming president trump over how he has handled his coronavirus infection. >> his reckless personal conduct since his diagnosis, the destabilizing effect it's having on our government, is unconscionable. he didn't take the necessary precautions, to protect himself or others. and the longer donald trump is president, the more reckless he gets. how can we trust him to protect this country? >> hmm. well, biden is in las vegas
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today. it's part of his first western swing as a nominee, while the president has been stuck in washington, all week, because of his diagnosis. let's discuss, now. cnn political correspondent, arlette saenz. and national correspondent for "the washington post." phillip, it's good to have you back. i hope you are doing well. >> i am. happy to be here. >> good. arlette, so, you know, wow. the timing on this is crazy because the next debate is off. this president is under fire for planning events while infected. biden is out in battleground states. how is the biden camp feeling, tonight? >> well, don, joe biden and his campaign have essentially been able to stay the course. stay with their original plans. and all of these events tied to the coronavirus and the president just kind of amplify the case that they have been making, over the past few months. they've tried to turn this election into a referendum on the president, particularly, his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and everything that has been seen out of the white
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house. one, with the president contracting coronavirus, himself. exposure to other individuals in his orbit. just adds to biden's case that he believes that the president has been irresponsible and reckless with his handling of covid-19. you heard the former vice president was very forceful, today, in his criticism. really, the harshest, sharpest criticism he's had of trump since he, himself, was -- contracted coronavirus. and ultimately, i mean, the biden campaign. the president, for months, has been mocking biden. saying that he is running this basement campaign. but it's biden, who has been out for the past week, in five battleground states, while the president is essentially isolated in washington, d.c. and here, in nevada, earlier today, he wasn't just making the case for why voters should vote for him, over president trump. he, also, was pushing this issue of turnout.
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we are 25 days out from the election, and he is encouraging his supporters to make sure that they get out there and vote. to ensure that biden decisively win and president trump can't offer any challenges to that. take a listen to what he had to say a little bit earlier today in east las vegas. >> he is trying to scare us. he's trying to continue -- convince everybody there's ways they can play with the vote and -- and undermine the vote. they can't. if we show up, we win. and look what's happening. early voting, all across america. long lines. long lines. we can't just win. we have to win, overwhelmingly. so he can't be in a position where he can put the phony challenges he is talking about. >> and so, that's just something you are going to hear biden continue to press, over these coming weeks, as you continue to hear president trump cast doubt about the election. you know, threaten potential challenges in the future. and biden's just telling his voters, get out there and vote.
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to ensure that there isn't going to be any kind of games that the president can play, after election day, if biden were to win. >> yeah. phillip, listen. your new piece in "the post" analyzes pew research center data. comparing demographic shifts between 2016 and now. so, the blue that you see there, on your screen, the blue bars. that's in this image there. show the amount of shift to democrats. while, the red is showing the shift to republicans. walk us through this. it looks like biden has a big advantage. am i reading that correctly? >> yeah, exactly. so, obviously, joe biden, in this poll, is up by about ten points over donald trump. that, obviously, is much better than hillary clinton did in 2016 in the popular vote. and that's a function of a lot of those shifts that you see. you see shifts, for example, among white men. you see shifts among catholics. you see shifts among groups that donald trump did fairly well with. for example, white men without college degrees, which were really a core part of donald trump's base. i mean, both, in 2016 and moving forward. they've actually moved, pretty
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strongly, to the left. not enough where biden's winning that group, by any stretch. but if donald trump loses a big chunk of that voting population, he's in trouble. now, we do see some shifts the other direction. we see, for example, that hispanic catholics are moving twas -- are -- are more supportive of trump than they were in 2016. black men are, similarly, moving that direction. but they are a much smaller part of the population than are, for example, white men without college degrees. i mean, it is -- it is -- there are shifts in the other direction but among populations where biden's doing very well and where the demographic group, itself, makes up far less of the electorate. >> phillip. arlette. thank you, both. appreciate it. the president spending his day talking to rush limbaugh. then, mark levin. then, tucker carlson. if you are keeping track, that's hours of interviews with conservative media. plus, how cities are trying
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to plan for the possibility of voter intimidation or violence on election day.
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it's been four days since the president returned to the white house from walter reed. he claims that he is feeling great. but how do we know? his administration won't answer any questions about his health and we haven't seen him live. just taped campaign videos, and conservative media appearances. yesterday, he spent almost an hour and a half in phone
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interviews with fox business and fox news. today, he spent close to two hours on rush limbaugh's radio show. another half an hour on mark levin's show. and squeezed in a taped interview with fox news's dr. mark siegel that aired on tucker carlson's show. but hours -- after hours -- hours, i should say, of these so-called interviews, none of our questions are answered. joining me now, cnn chief media correspondent, brian stelter. and senatamanda carpenter. hello, to both. brian, this president loves to rant on conservative media but this is a lot. it's a lot, even for him. >> he is trying to show that he is in good health and good spirits. he says he's feeling very strong, now. he is using strong-man language. and, don, he is going to his safe spaces on conservative talk radio and tv. but these spaces are only safe because the interviewers are more like propagandists.
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he is not answering important questions. for example, when was his last negative test, before he tebste positive? in these safe spaces, trump is not asked. >> amanda, i want you to take a listen to -- do some of the lies and conspiracy theories that trump has pushed on conservative media, just over the last two days. >> she is a communist. and this monster that was on stage with mike pence. he endorsed a governor of virginia, who not only executed a baby, late-term abortion, but executed a baby but said the baby can be born, and then you can kill the baby and he is totally in favor of that. >> i said i've done more for the black community than anybody, since abraham lincoln and it's true. nobody's done what i've done. but, you know, they don't like biden. they don't like biden. he did the superpredator stuff.
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>> so, can you, please, explain to me, amanda, help me understand why he is taking his message to the people who already support him, when he needs to be expanding, right now, his tent, so to speak? >> because -- yeah. well, number one, because he can. and, number two, because he has nowhere else to go. and, to me, this isn't just a story about trump and his very narrow and likely unsuccessful, political strategy. but it's about the environment that created trump, and that he will live in post-presidency. because when i watch these interviews, you know, we talk about what will donald trump do after? and people always bring up the tv network. he already has one. look what's happened in the lability flast few days. these very influential, media figures, surrendered their programming to him. how do you do an hour-long
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interview with the president, and not make news? right? the only thing that came out of the rush limbaugh thing is that he dropped the f bomb. how do you not manage to ask a question, like, well, when was your last negative test? and explain why that's a big deal. or, perhaps what is some evidence for your conspiracy theories? and so, that's happening. and the lesson that we should draw from this is that those talk show hosts, also, have nowhere to go because the republican party has learned and is learning that, once you go a little bit trumpy, there's no going back. and you can never be trumpy enough. and when i look at these hosts, i see weakness. i see people that can't ask a question, can't push back because they are on the titanic. they have nowhere to go and so, here, just take the ship, donald. do with it, what you want. >> yeah. well, and they -- they put themselves in that position. jason miller, amanda, is a trump campaign senior adviser. is teasing a town hall next week, on the night trump was supposed to debate joe biden. this is what he said on fox.
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>> we're actually going to be on multiple networks, at the same time. it hasn't been announced, yet. but i can give you that tease. you'll actually be able to go to multiple channels, and see the president. and so, we're going to have a much bigger audience than joe. >> okay. so, here is the interesting thing. so, he doesn't want to do a virtual debate with joe biden. but it's okay for him to do a remote debate with whatever he wants. why is that a waste of time? the other one. and this one isn't? >> well, number one, let's just acknowledge it should make everybody's skin crawl to hear jason miller speak and it's embarrassing that networks like fox continue to put him on the air for a variety of reasons. but, number two, donald trump doesn't want to have a debate. he wants an open-mic night and he keeps finding people who will give it to him. that's what i don't understand. that's just not a failure of trump. that is a failure of the media when he can just talk un -- without any pushback.
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no followup. tell me. what happened to the presidential debates? why did that not go on? why did the presidential debate commission not say, well, if donald trump isn't going to show up, we're still going to hold an event? i don't understand why joe biden walked away from it, too. listen. when donald trump breaks norms, it's important for other people to stand up for the things they believe in, and push back. he wins because he keeps pushing people over. >> brian, i have just a little bit left here. but i got to ask you. the president complained about fox news, today, with mark levin and rush limbaugh. you literally wrote the book on trump's relationship with fox news. whether a is th what is this all about? >> i think what he does is he wants propaganda, not news, on fox news. so he criticizes fox because he doesn't like seeing democrats on his favorite channel. but he is going to call in again on sunday to the show. so he knows he needs the fox megaphone. it's really a hoax. he is working the refs and he is going to keep doing that all the way until election day.
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i agree with amanda. you know, the president doesn't want to debate. he doesn't want to debate. he wants propaganda and there is a lot of people willing to give it to him. >> thank you, both. appreciate it. see you soon. we'll be right back. did you know diarrhea is often caused by bad bacteria in food?
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try pepto diarrhea. pepto® diarrhea is proven effective to treat symptoms, and it also targets the cause of diarrhea. the 3 times concentrated liquid formula coats and kills bacteria to relieve diarrhea. while the leading competitor does nothing to kill the bacteria, pepto® diarrhea gets to the source, killing the bad bacteria. so, try pepto® diarrhea, and remember to have it on hand every time you travel. also try pepto®-bismol liquicaps for on-the-go relief. there is more breaking news, tonight.
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a federal judge blocking the move by the governor of texas to limit ballot box -- ballot drop boxes to one location, per county. advocates for voting rights called this a vikctory. we are going to see if governor greg abbott appeals that decision. and with 25 days until the election, president trump's ramping up his attempts to undermine it. clearly, he has seen the polls that show him losing to joe biden. especially, in key, battle ground states, like pennsylvania, and florida. more, tonight, from cnn's pamela brown. >> reporter: president trump is continuing to undermine the integrity of the election. >> they're sending out millions and millions of ballots. are they sending 'em to all democrats? this is going to be the second biggest political scandal in history. >> reporter: trump is spreading disinformation. vote-by-mail states send ballots to all active voters, and there are no signs of a looming scandal. and he went on. >> you're never going to know who won the election. you know, it's going to be two weeks later. >> reporter: but election-night results are always unofficial.
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the very real chance there won't be a winner on election night is something even trump's security team warned is not a problem. >> on november 3rd, we might not know the outcome of our election and that's okay. but we're going to need your patience, until official results are announced. >> reporter: the plot to kidnap michigan's democratic governor, along with trump's disinformation and fiery rhetoric, is raising fears of voter intimidation on election day, as tensions rise. >> it's not just a michigan problem. it's an american problem, and i -- i think there's going to be more incidences to come. >> reporter: michigan's attorney general is working on guidance for law enforcement on how to handle guns at polling places. in 11 states and d.c., there is a ban on firearms at the polls. but many swing states, including michigan, don't have strict rules against it. >> bad things happen in philadelphia. >> reporter: today, in philadelphia, a judge rejected the trump campaign's lawsuit over its attempt, last month, to use supporters as unofficial poll watchers ahead of election
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day. something philadelphia officials wouldn't allow because it's against the law. the president fumed about it at the debate. >> the very safe, very nice thing. they were thrown out. they weren't allowed to watch. >> reporter: all campaigns are allowed to have registered poll watchers at official sites on election day. but the judge upheld that it is illegal at satellite election locations being used for preelection day voting. and now, both parties are gearing up for the possibility of a contested election, with no clear winner on november 3rd or weeks beyond. "the washington post" reports, speaker nancy pelosi has discussed the issue in meetings. one scenario involves invoking the electoral count act. an obscure, untested, 19th century law which gives congress the power to settle state-level disputes. last week, pelosi acknowledged any congressional involvement would be messy. >> if all that chaos takes us to a time that could be past the -- the date when the electoral
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college is -- must meet, we will be ready. >> the clamp down on disinformation. twitter, today, now announcing several changes, including blocking any user, including the candidates, from announcing victory in the election until it's announced by state election officials or two reputable, national news outlets. back to you, don. >> thank you, pamela. we'll be right back. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the post office plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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staying active is more important than ever for our physical and mental health. and for people recovering from addiction, that outlet can be lifesaving. 2012 cnn hero, scott strode, and his nonprofit provide free, athletic activities and a sober, support community for thousands.
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when covid-19 forced the organization to close its gyms, they found ways to stay connected, online. cnn congressional correspondent, phil mattingly, decided to skip the capital and join a phoenix class to see how they have kept the interaction going strong. >> two to three more. you got 20 seconds. nice job, phil. >> what was, kind of, your thought when coronavirus first started to spread and lockdowns really started to kick into gear? >> i just knew that, that social isolation was going to be a big risk for relapse, for a lot of people. so, pretty quickly, we pivoted to offering virtual programs. we knew we had to keep people connected in this sort of uncertain and stressful time. >> three, two, one, and down for the sit-up. >> just really lifts my heart to log into a phoenix virtual class and meet somebody in recovery, who is doing the workout in their basement somewhere in tennessee, where we don't even
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have in-person programs but they can come to the phoenix, anyway. >> woo! nice job, everyone. >> to learn more about scott's program and to see if phil made it through the class, go to thanks for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. hello, i'm kim brunhuber, this is "cnn newsroom." we're live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta. welcome to you, our viewers here in the united states, canada and around the world. the trump white house is already a proven hot bed of the coronavirus. staffers there fear a large event planned in the coming hours can only make it worse. a source tells cnn that 2,000 people have been invited to see and hear president trump on saturday in his first


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